The George and Ann Quayle Cannon Family
The Children of George Cannon, the Immigrant--Left to Right: Leonora, Ann, George Q., David H., Angus M., Mary Alice, and Elizabeth
George Cannon, the son of Captian George and Leonora Callister Cannon, was born December 3, 1794 in Peel on the Isle of Man. George married Ann Quayle, daughter of John and Ellinor Callister Quayle, in 1825. Through the efforts of George's sister and brother-in-law, John and Leonora Taylor, the family joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They decided to emigrate from England to America. They departed from England on the ship Sidney. Shortly after they began their voyage, Ann, who was pregnant at the time, became ill. She was ill during the entire voyage, and died just before the ship arrived in New Orleans. She and her unborn child were buried at sea. George and his children settled in Nauvoo, Illinois. In February 1844, George married the widow Mary Edwards White (Photo of Mary--courtesy of Leslie A. Ballou). [Mary Edwards White was her married name. Mary was born to Thomas and Elizabeth Edwards on September 30, 1810 in Llanwrst, Denbighshire, North Wales. She married Joseph White. The two of them also joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, then set sail for America in 1843. Joseph died before they reached Nauvoo. We do not know whether he died at sea, or if it occurred after arriving in America. Elizabeth stayed with John and Leonora Taylor when she arrived in Nauvoo. She later married George Cannon. Elizabeth's third husband was Charles B. Taylor. For more information, see the Cannon Family Historical Treasury (1995 edition), pages 61 and 288.] George and Mary eventually had a daughter named Elizabeth Cannon. When the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were murdered in June 1844, George made plaster casts or "death masks" of their faces. Shortly thereafter, George himself died from heat stroke August 19, 1844. George and Ann's son, George Quayle Cannon, and their daughter Ann Cannon, went to live with their aunt and uncle Leonora and John Taylor. Their daughter, Mary Alice Cannon, married Charles Lambert. The three younger children stayed for a while with their step mother, then eventually went to live with Charles and Mary. Baby Elizabeth, who was born after her father's death, remained with her mother. The family headed west with the pioneers and settled in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Because there is so much information about the Cannon family, it will probably take a considerable amount of time for us to get all of the information posted. Please be patient with us! We recommend that you visit the other Cannon family Web sites linked below. We have partnered up with the authors of those sites through the coordination of the George Cannon Family Association. These other sites are focused on certain specific parts of the family, and contain information that is not found here. If you have questions or comments, or would like to share photographs or information about the Cannon family, or would like some specific information, please contact us at We are especially looking for personal histories and information about and a Web site for the Cannon Family Organization. Many of the histories and photographs on this site are from the Cannon Family Historical Treasury. Thank you!
Family Information:
The 2005 George Cannon Family Reunion was held October 8, 2005 at "This is the Place" Park in Salt Lake City. It was an all day event with a dinner. A small program was held in conjunction with the dinner. Family members participated in a variety of activities throughout the day. Copies of the Cannon Family Historical Treasury were made available for purchase. To join the George and Ann Quayle Cannon Family mailing list, please contact Stuart Cannon via e-mail or at (801) 772-0378.
Among Family and Friends: John Taylor's Mission to the British Isles. An article, written by Paul Thomas Smith, about John Taylor's mission to England, during which he brought the Gospel of Jesus Christ to his brother and sister-in-law (George & Ann Quayle Cannon). This article was published in Ensign magazine, March 1987.
The George Cannon (the immigrant) Family Association: The Family Association leadership was changed February 28, 2004. The new leaders are: President: S. Hunter
Cannon. Hunter resides in Pleasant Grove, Utah and can be contacted at or 801-310-4868; Vice-President:
Stuart Q. Cannon. Stuart resides in Alpine, Utah and can be contacted at or 801-836-8010; and Secretary: Linda
Aukschun. Linda resides in Sandy, Utah and can be contacted at or 801-566-0144. If you are a descendant
of George Cannon (often known as "George "the immigrant" Cannon), please
contact Hunter Cannon. The Association is trying to build an e-mail mailing list for family news and to plan a
reunion sometime in the near future.
Selections from the Journal of George Cannon (the immigrant): This brief document tells of how the family joined The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, their voyage to America, the illness and death of his sweetheart, Ann Quayle Cannon, and the remainder of their trip to Nauvoo. George made the plaster death masks of the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum Smith, the Patriarch.
Illustrated account of the conversion of the Cannon Family: An illustrated account of the George Cannon family being taught the gospel by Elder John Taylor was published in the June 2003 issue of the Friend magazine. The Adobe .pdf version of the article can be found at, or you can download parts 1 and 2 in .jpg format here. Adobe Acrobat Reader is required for the Adobe version.
President George Quayle Cannon: George Q. Cannon was the son of George and Ann. George Q. was an early missionary to Hawaii, a translator, a publisher, a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and a member of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Photo of George Q. Cannon. There is now an official George Q. Cannon Web site. Click here to visit the official site.
Charles and Mary Alice Cannon Lambert: Charles and Mary raised the three younger children of George and Ann. They had many adventures on their trip west to Utah. Photo of Mary Alice Cannon Lambert. Photo of Charles Lambert.
Ann Cannon Woodbury: Ann lived with her uncle and aunt Taylor after her parents died. Photo of Ann.
Angus Munn Cannon: Photo of Angus.
The History of David Henry Cannon: David was the son of George and Ann Cannon. Photo of David H. Cannon. Photo of David H. Cannon at 77 years of age. The David H. Cannon Family Association also has a Web site. This site was created by Cynthia Burgess Alldredge.
Leonora Cannon Gardner: Photo of Leonora. She married Robert Gardner.
Elizabeth Cannon Piggott: Elizabeth was the daughter of George Cannon and his second wife, Mary Edwards White (photo of Mary--courtesy of Leslie A. Ballou). Elizabeth was born February 21, 1845 (after her father's death ) in Nauvoo, Illinois. She was known as a fine musician during her life. Elizabeth married William Henry Piggott (photo of William) on November 29, 1868. Photo of Elizabeth (courtesy of Leslie A. Ballou). Elizabeth's children are: 1. Mary Elizabeth Piggott (Born October 10, 1870, married John Rich South, and died January 9, 1936); 2. Catherine Cannon Piggott (born November 3, 1873 and died January 5, 1877); 3. Alice Cannon Piggott (born October 22, 1876, married Mathew Simpson Reay, died April 20, 1966); 4. Leonora Cannon Piggott (born September 17, 1879, married Wilford W. Hess); 5. William Cannon Piggott (born May 7, 1885; Photo of William--courtesy of Leslie A. Ballou); and 6. George Cannon Piggott (born June 7, 1887). Source: Cannon Family Historical Treasury.
The Cannon Family Historical Treasury: Copies of this fabulous book about George and Ann Quayle Cannon and their descendants are still available. For pricing and ordering information, please contact Hunter Cannon at
The Cannon Family Genforum: The Cannon genforum is free a "bulletin board" service for people who are interested in the Cannon family world wide.
The Official George Q. Cannon Web Site: The official site of the George Q. Cannon Family Organization.
The David H. Cannon Family Association: The official site of the David H. Cannon Family Association.
Willow Nook/Cooil Shellagh Farm: The farm that used to belong to the family of George Cannon on the Isle of Man is called Cooil Shellagh, which means "willow nook." The farm is now owned by Paul & Lindsey Hotchkiss. They currently rent out cottages to tourists. If you are planning a trip to the Isle of Mann, Cooil Shellagh would be a great place for you stay.
The Isle of Man Web Site: This site has many great resources for the Cannon family, including Manx settlements in the United States, and Specific information about the George Cannon family on the Isle of Man.
Cannon Family Crest: Courtesy of S. Hunter Cannon
Please Visit the Following Family History Sites:
Sedgwick Research Home (Mark & Allison's Family History Repository)