John Flint, a farmer and stockman of Davis County, was born in Derbyshire, England, June 19, 1848, his parents being John and Mary Spencer Flint, who were likewise natives of that country. They remained in England until 1851 and then crossed the Atlantic to the New World. Landing on the American seaboard, they thence traveled westward to Omaha, Nebraska, and from that point made the journey with ox teams across the plains to Utah, establishing their home in Davis County, where Mr. Flint took up a homestead claim of one hundred and sixty acres. His first house was a dugout which he and his family occupied for about 3 years, and (sic) the end of which time he built a little adobe dwelling and it remained his place of residence to the time of his death. To John and Mary Spencer Flint there were born thirteen children, of whom five are now living.
John Flint was reared in Davis County and there secured a limited education. His youthful days were spent under the parental roof and when the period of his minority was passed he engaged in farming and stock raising on his own account. He has since been active along that line and now owns a part of the old homestead property. He later purchased other land and his holdings now include three hundred and twenty acres of rich and arable land that responds readily to the care and labor which he bestows upon it. His farming interests have been carefully, intelligently and successfully directed. There was a period when it was thought that the farmer had little to do but plow his land and plant his seed. However, it is a recognized fact today that the farmer must just as systematically and carefully manage his interests as does the best possible use of his time and opportunities and his won prosperity in the careful conduct of his business affairs (?sic). Aside from his farming he was one of the incorporators and is one of the directors of the First National Bank of Layton and is a director in the Kaysville mill and canning factory. He is likewise one of the directors and stockholders in the Ellison ranch of Idaho, where the company has over twelve thousand head of cattle and forty thousand head of sheep, this being one of the most extensive and important stock ranches of this section of the country. They specialize in the raising of Hereford and Durham cattle and in Rambouillet sheep.
In 1871 Mr. Flint was united in marriage to Miss Martha Brough, a native of England and a daughter of Thomas Brough. She came to the United States in early life and passed away on the 19th of March 1917, a devoted wife and mother and in every way a worthy helpmate to her husband. She had become the mother of thirteen children.
Mr. Flint exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican Party and keeps well informed on the vital questions and issues of the day, but has never sought or desired office. His entire life has largely been devoted to the development of his farming and stock raising interests and each year has chronicled his progress and attendant success, consequent upon the diligence and determination which he has ever displayed in his business affairs. In this connection has made steady progress and Kaysville now numbers his among her valued and representative citizens, occupying an enviable position on the plane of affluence.